
This is request_it_here's profile. You can request anything and anything:] The pages we have right now are listed above. To request something you can comment on either oxemmaox3's profile or kayelizzie621's profile on witty or go to the request page and comment! Our IM is requestxitxhere. Feel free to IM us if we are on, which is not often.

About Emma

Heeeeey, this chickie's name is Emma, and she loves requests! My likes are soccer, photography, digital art (can you tell?!), Twilight(yes, sorry haters :[ ), fluffy blankets, and bright colors. My dislikes are snakes, people who do nothing all day (WITTY COUNTS AS SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!), braggers, and smelly lotion. I am verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry random, and love it! :] Kaye is one of my bffs, and forever will be! <3

About Kaye

Hii! My name is Kaye, is swimming is the sport. B